Thursday, June 23, 2011

My statement for CITL Vice President

Greetings fellow volunteers,

Thank you for an amazing year! As your current executive director, I have absolutely enjoyed the experience, which was quite a lot of work but in the end very gratifying. You’re probably itching to get on with your doings, but take a minute to read what I have to say.

We have come a long way from the small organization it was when I first joined. Back in the summer of 2009, it was but at a few libraries scattered around North-eastern Toronto. Through the efforts of the executive board, but more importantly, through the efforts of all of our volunteers, CITL has been able to grow into nationwide effort.

Personally, I have been ushering new programs in at libraries across the city, sometimes alone and sometimes with my executive-mates Yuanling and Michael. Meetings with TPL officials were also a regular occurrence, where we discussed the future of our program in various aspects, including regulations, expansion, and police checks. Our CITL handbook to be handed to every new volunteer has been polished throughout the year.

Nearing that time of the year again when all get together, the annual festival at North York Central Library, I believe firmly in doing everything but stand still. Trophies and certificates, letters to the mayor, press releases, all the little bits and pieces that complete a celebration on the scale of ours, not a single piece has been left untouched. You, as the volunteers, as well as the patrons of our program, deserve as much.

This coming year, I believe it is time for me to take a step forward and become the Vice President of CITL. My experience will certainly be an invaluable asset to CITL in dealing with the librarians that we must maintain contact with as well as the everyday issues that the executive board has worked through this year.

It’s often said that every chess master was once a beginner. Likewise, our organization was once barely walking on its feet, but we are now on the road to greater things. I believe that together, with our collective, organized efforts, CITL has many bright days to come, and I hope that, by serving CITL as Vice President, I will continue to be graced with amazing experiences and good times with the wonderful people in this organization.

Yours Sincerely,

Kevin Wu

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